Eco products@ Teen unit
PTC trust in collaboration with Herb farm owner Lynn Kirkland created a new series of Eco friendly workshops designed to raise awareness amongst teen mums of chemical free alternatives that are safe for our environment.
Keeping our environment pristine by developing kaitiakitanga means we are increasing the bandwidth of youth who can become our future environmental stewards and guardians. Reaching out to our young teen mums is another link in the chain as we empower youth to make more informed decisions that will preserve our natural ecosystems.

Herbal scientists, Lynn explained how she harvests herbs from their gardens to manufacture non-toxic, herbal tinctures and sun infused oils in their products.
These products, sold by Herbal Farm are better for the environment:
As they do not contain phenols and parabens
harsh chemicals are not emitted into the environment
100% natural and safe for mother and baby.
some contain a powerful blend of antibacterial and antiseptic essential oils to provide children with a defence shield against germs, viruses and bugs.
many creams assist with the healing of cuts and grazes and is great for mum and baby.
Inspiring our young mums to make wiser and more informed enviro-conscious choices can only serve to enhance the team of environmental stewards across NZ.